Care and Support

At Holyrood Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on the fact that every student is known to us. This means that we can provide them with the indivdualised programme of care and support that they need during their Further Education to ensure they are successful.

Tutor Team

One of the unique qualities of our Sixth Form provision is the dedicated tutorial programme. Each student meets in a small group with their tutor on a weekly basis to monitor their academic progress and address any other issues
they may have.

16-19 Bursary

The 16 to 19 Bursary provides financial support to help students overcome the specific financial barriers to participation they face so they can remain in education.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • bursaries for defined vulnerable groups

  • discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with funding rules set out by the Education and Skills Funding Agency

The defined vulnerable groups are students who are:

  • in care or care leavers

  • receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner

  • receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right

Other students might be eligible to receive support from the discretionary bursary. Holyrood Academy bases all decisions on which students receive a discretionary bursary and how much they receive on each student’s circumstances and financial need. These will vary from student to student, depending on, for example, their household income, the distance they need to travel to the institution and the requirements of their study programme.

Further information can be found in the Sixth Form Bursary Leaflet

How to apply

  • Please complete the online Sixth Form Bursary Application form. If you would like a hard copy of the form please contact the Sixth Form directly.

  • The application form asks for details of household income, which state benefits are claimed if any and anticipated expenditure relating to the student’s programme of study. Documents to support your application will also be required.

  • A new application needs to be made each academic year.

  • If you have any questions about the bursary scheme, please see Mrs Challis or email

The support available

We have asked subject leaders to outline the costs associated with their courses and aim to cover some of these costs for eligible students. All bursary awards are based on the needs of individuals and so these might vary from student to student. Typical bursary awards will cover:

  • Textbooks, materials and equipment

  • The loan of IT equipment such as laptops

  • Travel costs

  • Trips that directly enhance studies

The amount of funding the Academy receives for the 16 – 19 bursary varies each year so the level of support provided to each student will fluctuate

Living Life Programme (LLP)

Each week students take part in a dedicated programme of practical activities. This includes the following types of workshops:

  • survival circus

  • safe nights out

  • politics

  • financial planning

  • careers guidance.

The programme is designed to give students those vital skills that enable them to be come independent members of society.


Applying to university is a stressful time for any student and also parents. This webpage is designed as a first point of call for students and parents in order to provide support throughout the university application process. Please see the sections below where all resources and guidance are located.

Alongside this guidance, students need to be communicating with their form tutor for support, regarding searching for appropriate degree courses and also writing of the personal statement. Once tutors have been utilised, all students can access any member of staff in the sixth form team for further advice and guidance. Our door is always open.

Personal Statements
The Personal Statement section is the only part of the UCAS application form which gives you a chance to say something about yourself, and at the same time make a positive impression. It is vital to get it right and as our advice article Six Top Tips for an outstanding UCAS form explains, your personal statement may well be the deciding factor in whether you get an offer.

Over the years the space UCAS allocate to the Personal Statement has grown from a few lines to a whole page, emphasising how important admissions tutors think it is. You should give it similar attention. Take as much time and care as you can to make it effective.

The most important thing is to explain why you are applying for your particular courses: what attracts you to that subject area, how your current A level studies have influenced you, career plans etc. The UCAS Personal Statement should also include details of your achievements in and outside school/college, your experience of work, travel, responsibility and helping others and what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

Student Finance
By clicking on the image below it will take you to the Money Saving Expert website which will explain how student finance works and hopefully answer any questions regarding student finance.

Weekly Briefings

Both Year 12 and 13 have their weekly briefing where the whole year group comes together with the tutors and Head of Sixth Form. During this time presentations, guest speakers and exciting opportunities are shared. Topics include current affairs, global knowledge, practical information and all students have the opportunity to gain valuable presentation skills.

University and Career Information

Throughout a student’s time within Holyrood Sixth Form, students will be given opportunities to learn about their future careers development. This will be in the form of:

• Guest speakers from a range of Industries
• Compulsory 1 week work experience in Year 12
• Apprenticeships talks of all levels including degree apprenticeships
• Individual UCAS and University advice
• Guidance on how to write personal statements
• Progression courses through Russell Group universities
• University summer schools
• Career planning
• Work shadowing
• Student finance
• Pre-university taster courses
• UCAS conference and convention
• HE+ Cambridge
• Holyrood Alumni
• Gap year talks

This is tailored to each student’s needs and bespoke career path, whether this be on to Higher Education or through an apprenticeship route.

We are extremely proud of the PD programme that students follow during their time at Holyrood 6th Form and this equips students for their next steps. This is coupled with tutorials which are tailored to the students’ academic and future aspirations. We work hard at Holyrood Sixth Form to ensure that every student feels that they are ready for the next steps in their career.