Inclusion and SEND
At Holyood we believe all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they: achieve their best;
become confident individuals living fulfilling lives;
make a successful transition into adulthood
Holyrood Academy has existed to serve its community since 1910. Above all, we exist to promote social mobility and social justice for all regardless of ability, need or background.
We ensure that curriculum planning, assessment and teaching and learning for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities takes into account and makes reasonable adjustments for these needs.
This is achieved through knowledge and understanding of each student as individuals. Children and young people identified as having SEND needs will receive provision that is additional to and different from the quality first teaching delivered in the classroom.
Holyrood is committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to all students as set out in the Academy’s teaching and learning policy. The Academy will meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in a graduated and timely manner following the principles of assess, plan, do and review.
How do we Support?
Provision that is additional to or different from the quality first teaching in the classroom will be tailored to the needs of the individual. At Holyrood Academy these provisions include
Teaching Assistant support deployed to support teaching within the classroom.
Extraction from lessons for targeted Speech and Language, literacy, numeracy, early reading and SEMH interventions.
Individual and group mental health support.
For those for whom processing of new information is a challenge,
Teaching Assistant support outside of the classroom will be deployed to support the learning of new vocabulary and concepts.
A ‘Time Out’ space to mitigate sensory overload and support with regulation of emotions.
The ARC (Academic Recovery Centre) for timetabled study support sessions.
The Outdoor Classroom, used to support students with outdoor learning and Forest School interventions.
External Alternative Provision: South Somerset Partnership School (including their medical tuition provision) Reach, ARK at Egwood and Drift Farm Education, Magdalen Farm (practical work experience to support Land Based Studies curriculum)
For more information about our SEND offer please contact Mrs Katie Wilson (Assistant Headteacher) responsibility for Inclusion and SEND.
Other Useful Information
Related School Documents;
Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy (via our Policy Page)
Special Education Needs (SEND) Information Report (via our Policy page)
Related Links
Somerset SEND Local Offer
This provides information on the services available for children and young people up to 25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and how to access them.
Somerset Virtual School
Somerset Virtual School works with Designated Teachers, Social Workers and others to give advice to help children and young people make progress. We work with staff at times when there might be difficulties such as attendance or exclusion. We can also arrange training and other support for staff and young people during times of need, for example when moving between schools.
NSPCC is the leading children's charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. They are the only UK children's charity with statutory powers, which means they can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.
At Holyood we believe all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they: achieve their best;
become confident individuals living fulfilling lives;
make a successful transition into adulthood
Holyrood Academy has existed to serve its community since 1910. Above all, we exist to promote social mobility and social justice for all regardless of ability, need or background.
We ensure that curriculum planning, assessment and teaching and learning for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities takes into account and makes reasonable adjustments for these needs.
This is achieved through knowledge and understanding of each student as individuals. Children and young people identified as having SEND needs will receive provision that is additional to and different from the quality first teaching delivered in the classroom.
Holyrood is committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum to all students as set out in the Academy’s teaching and learning policy. The Academy will meet the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in a graduated and timely manner following the principles of assess, plan, do and review.
How do we Support?
Provision that is additional to or different from the quality first teaching in the classroom will be tailored to the needs of the individual. At Holyrood Academy these provisions include
Teaching Assistant support deployed to support teaching within the classroom.
Extraction from lessons for targeted Speech and Language, literacy, numeracy, early reading and SEMH interventions.
Individual and group mental health support.
For those for whom processing of new information is a challenge,
Teaching Assistant support outside of the classroom will be deployed to support the learning of new vocabulary and concepts.
A ‘Time Out’ space to mitigate sensory overload and support with regulation of emotions.
The ARC (Academic Recovery Centre) for timetabled study support sessions.
The Outdoor Classroom, used to support students with outdoor learning and Forest School interventions.
External Alternative Provision: South Somerset Partnership School (including their medical tuition provision) Reach, ARK at Egwood and Drift Farm Education, Magdalen Farm (practical work experience to support Land Based Studies curriculum)
For more information about our SEND offer please contact Mrs Katie Wilson (Assistant Headteacher) responsibility for Inclusion and SEND.
Other Useful Information
Support for Families with Autistic Children and Those with ADHD
Related School Documents;
Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy (via our Policy Page)
Special Education Needs (SEND) Information Report (via our Policy page)
Related Links
Somerset SEND Local Offer
This provides information on the services available for children and young people up to 25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and how to access them.
Somerset Virtual School
Somerset Virtual School works with Designated Teachers, Social Workers and others to give advice to help children and young people make progress. We work with staff at times when there might be difficulties such as attendance or exclusion. We can also arrange training and other support for staff and young people during times of need, for example when moving between schools.
NSPCC is the leading children's charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. They are the only UK children's charity with statutory powers, which means they can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.
Online webinars and live chats for parents plus free regular podcast on how to support your autistic child. Website: CEDA Bis-Net - CEDA, Disability Action (cedaonline.org.uk)
Exploring stress and anxiety with children using visual techniques:
Exploring Stress and Anxiety with Children using Visual Techniques - YouTube