Student Leadership
We feel that it is important for students at Holyrood to have a number of opportunities to develop their leadership skills.
Student Buddies – Year 9
This is a coveted position in year 9, when 36 students are selected to act as guides, role models and peer support for incoming students in year 6. In this role, the buddies support the year 6 students through their transition process, attending taster lessons, sports activities and even as advisors at the year 6 parents evening
Prefect Team – Year 10 and Year 11
Prefects are appointed from our Year 10 student body in April and can apply for a range of different responsibilities, which they carry forwards into Year 11:
Eco team
Diversity and Equity team
Community team
Creative Arts team
Sports team
In addition the prefects are also responsible for house fundraising activities and for promoting house competitions in the role of house captains.
Prefects are role models in our school. On appointment they create a team action plan, which serves to guide them through their prefecture. Their action plans may be facilitated by staff but are actioned and driven by the prefects and have included talent shows, leading student voice, bake and badge sales, Chard town treasure hunts, penalty shoot outs, refereeing in interhouse competitions for staff and students.
Chard Youth Council
A group of year 11 students take part in a half termly Chard Town Council meeting to represent the voice of youth in Chard. In this capacity, this year they have advised on the development of play equipment for under 10 year olds, have started a drop-in for vulnerable people in Chard and have raised money to fund this. In addition they have applied for funding to pay for training for film makers in the school, to make promotional films about Chard. These will be used in the upcoming Culturally Chard festival , and subsequently on the Chard Town Council website.