The Holyrood Way
The Holyrood Way - Ethos & Expectations
When students arrive at Holyrood Academy in Year 7 they are introduced to 'The Holyrood Way’.
This ethos encompasses three important aspects of school life to ensure every student can succeed and it is through this ethos that the school’s vision and curriculum intent are delivered. We ask and promote opportunities for all students to:
Work hard
The key expectations are:
• We are well presented and equipped to learn.
• We make the most of our learning time.
• We see knowledge as important and inspiring.
Uniform and equipment are checked every day at the start of tutor time. It is important that students are equipped with two pens, a pencil, a ruler and their Knowledge Organiser folder. This ensures that each student can engage fully in each lesson with no unnecessary interruptions. We provide this set of equipment in a clear pencil case for every student when they join us in Year 7.
Replacement equipment can be purchased in the Learning Centre each morning before 08:30 or at break/lunch time.
Learning time is precious! Our clear and consistent routines ensure learning time is productive and positive. Students work with their teachers to make sure that they take their seat, get out their equipment and begin the starter activity within 30 seconds of entering the room. This means that learning time is maximised.
Each child is provided with a set of Knowledge Organisers which will be their primary resource for homework and lessons. Knowledge Organisers can be found in the students’ Assessment Prep (Homework) books. Support on using them can be found on our website’s Home Learning pages.
Through tutorials and Independent Study lessons, students are taught to focus on three specific self-quizzing techniques: writing a quiz, duel coding and mind mapping. This independent study is followed by low-stakes quizzes in class and tutor time, something that is essential for building student confidence in their own academic success.
If an Assessment Prep book is lost or damaged, a new one should be purchased from the Learning Centre.
To complement the curriculum, tutor groups read three novels a year together. These books are carefully selected to enhance students’ cultural knowledge and understanding.
Be Kind
Our school’s behaviour expectations are:
• We ensure disruption-free learning for ourselves and others.
• We follow reasonable requests from all adults at the first time of asking.
• We treat people and property with respect.
Highlighting to students the importance of working hard, being kind and joining in is central to the messages students receive at Holyrood Academy because we know that developing these habits allow students to leave us as successful and well-rounded people.
Year group assemblies are held weekly and, alongside lessons and the PDP curriculum, allow for opportunities to discuss and understand the social, political and cultural differences within our school and wider community.
All students should treat others the way they wish to be treated themselves and students are encouraged to report any incidents of bullying via email to holyroodstopbullying@holyrood.bep.ac This will allow a member of staff to deal with the incident as soon as possible. You can also read our bullying policy here.
Students need to be kind to themselves too! We also have a designated mental health and wellbeing team at the school, to which students can be referred by their Year Leader. Please visit our Student Support pages for more information.
Join In
The key expectations are:
• We commit and contribute in lessons.
• We seek opportunities to try new things.
• We participate in our wider community.
Participation inside and outside of lessons ensures that students are engaging in and developing their learning. Lessons are designed to include a range of activities to ensure that students are fully joining in throughout; this includes independent and pair work, whole class discussions and group work alongside periods of silent working to ensure that there is a clear focus on practising and applying knowledge. Teachers will use a variety of questioning techniques to also ensure every student is contributing to learning.
Our Holyrood Way is also about encouraging students to make the most of opportunities outside of the classroom. We offer a wide menu of lunchtime and after school clubs for students to select from please click here for the latest extra-curricular club list.
Students are also given the opportunity to ‘join in’ in the wider community of the school and can opt to volunteer as student guides, student buddies, sport captains and tutor group representatives. As students progress throughout their journey at the academy our older students are able to run to be elected as prefects, and in sixth form, as part of student senior leadership team.